How Gaston Schul helps Pfauth Logistics Succeed.

How Gaston Schul helps Pfauth Logistics Succeed.

"With Gaston Schul, we can build a bridge to our international customers when it comes to customs."

Robbert Pfauth, CEO of Pfauth Logistics.

With Gaston Schul, we can build a bridge to our international customers when it comes to customs.

Robbert Pfauth

CEO of Pfauth Logistics

Smoothing the Way in a Complex VAT Landscape

Based in the port of Vlissingen, Pfauth Logistics provides logistics services to industrial, commercial and maritime companies. They see it as their mission to monitor their clients' logistics processes, provide solutions, and meet the highest quality standards.

A key challenge Pfauth faces is explaining complex Dutch VAT (BTW) rules to international clients. "The Dutch VAT system is often confusing for foreign customers," Robbert explains. This is where Gaston Schul steps in - even visiting Pfauth's offices to explain VAT face-to-face to their customers.

Leveraging Customs Expertise

Robbert's advice to other logistics companies? "Either invest heavily in developing customs expertise internally, or partner with a knowledgeable customs specialist." He chose the latter with Gaston Schul. "They have deep knowledge in practically every customs area," he says. Most importantly, Gaston Schul takes the customs hassle away from Pfauth's customers.

Robbert highlights Gaston Schul's diversity, personal touch and accessibility. "Gaston Schul has an open attitude. They are solution-oriented and understand customers' situations." He also appreciates the freedom provided by their Export Portal for out-of-hours clearance.

Delivering Flexibility and Speed

A real-life example demonstrates Gaston Schul's flexibility in solving customs problems. When one client needed to deregister a branch, their EORI number became invalid. With a shipment imminent, Pfauth and the client risked major delays. Gaston Schul stepped in swiftly, providing the right advice and support in arranging a new EORI number and handling ongoing shipments smoothly. "Gaston Schul’s swift and flexible support minimised disruption," Robbert recalls.

Building Bridges for Customs

So what's Robbert's one-line summary of Gaston Schul? "With them, we can build a bridge to international customers for customs." It's a partnership that earns 4 out of 5 stars from Pfauth Logistics.

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